Saturday, November 8, 2008

I Just Saw...

Finally. I've literally been trying to see this movie for three weeks. The last two times I went to the movies it was with the intention of seeing it, but I got there too late. Fortunately Body of Lies, and Rocknrolla were also playing, and so I was able to see two excellent movies anyways.

Pride and Glory was every bit as good as I had hoped for. The movie was not without flaw, but overall, I was highly pleased by the strong performances from both the leads, and the supporting cast. If you don't know, the film is about an NYPD detective, played by Edward Norton, investigating the deaths of several officers, and eventually uncovering corruption in fellow officers who are very close to him.

Edward Norton has long been one of my favorite actors. It is pretty rare for me to be disappointed in one of his movies. If you haven't seen Fight Club, go out right now and rent it. Or better yet, buy it. It stars him, Brad Pitt, and Helena Boham Carter, and is very, very good. His performance in this movie was definitely on par with my expectations for him.

The movie also featured Colin Farrell, who did much more than meet expectations. In all honesty, I kind of had expected his performance to be the Achilles Heel of the film, but he more than held his own. His character possibly could have been fleshed out a bit more, but I think the main reason his performance wasn't as striking as it could have been, was because the previews and trailers for the film revealed to much about him, making it less impacting when it was revealed in the film. Nonetheless, it was solid acting I think. A far cry from the lame-ass-ery of several of his previous movies, such as Daredevil, SWAT, and Miami Vice.

If I had to point out a flaw in the film, it would be the slight implausibility of some of the movies plot. It's not the fact that the movie features several corrupt cops. Unfortunately that is an all too real occurrence at times. Rather it was the manner in which the cops were corrupt. Throughout the movie several of the dirty cops are portrayed as acting as thugs, hitting up convenience store clerks weekly for cash and ripping off drug dealers. Realistically a corrupt cop could make a lot more money, a lot quicker, and at a lot less personal risk through far more mundane forms of crime, like faking reports, or evidence, or selling sensitive material. But that's not as interesting to watch as coke snorting family men brutalizing women and children, and playing hired gun.

But after all, its not suppose to be a documentary. Its a movie. And a good one I'd say.

1 comment:

CW said...

Please see IN BRUGES. Colin Farrell is great in this.